Notes to tutor

During the Technology Literacy course, students were given an opportunity to review the specific objectives of the ICT4 Guyana National Strategy, list the objectives that should be addressed within the classroom setting and brainstorm three classroom practices that would support the objectives. In this unit students will build on this knowledge by developing a carefully planned learning activity that aligns to the learning outcomes of the relevant ‘Word Processing’ section of the Information Technology Curriculum Guide for either grade 7, 8 or 9.

Students should be divided into groups consisting of no more than 4 members. The team members in each group should allocate a particular teaching level (either grade 7, 8 or 9). Each group will require access to a computer with Internet connectivity in order to download the relevant Information Technology Curriculum Guide from the Guyana Ministry of Education website. Once the activities have been completed, you should coordinate a report-back session and facilitate discussion amongst the various groups.

Please note that Task 3 is a recommended Portfolio Task and it is recommended you collect the presentations in for evaluation. A marking memo is available here.

120 minutes
Technology Literacy