Course Introduction
This CD ROM has been developed to support the training of teachers to integrate ICT into their teaching practices. The materials, guides and activities are strongly aligned with the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (CFT).
While the course embraces the role ICT can bring to the classroom it is also not held prisoner by the need for high end or sophisticated technology platforms. The course can be deployed in areas of limited or no connectivity via CD ROM or memory stick as most of the resources have been previously downloaded and collected. There are also web and paper based versions of the lessons and guides.
This course uses materials that are Open Education Resources (OER) or free to use for educational purposes, allowing the use and distribution, and in some instances the repurposing of the materials, at no additional cost. (See the Open License tab for more information).
But most importantly we hope the lessons are fun and engaging enough to introduce new possibilities and refresh the participant's passion for teaching and learning.