Notes to Students
Read through the materials below and online in order to develop an understanding of educational software, the different purposes of educational software and the way in which the appropriateness of the software is affected by the learning level of your learners. You will need access to a computer with Internet connectivity in order to be able to review the additional readings.

Educational Software (Ref: SchoolNet SA / SCORE: CCTI)
Educational software is an extremely broad category, and one that has been poorly defined. You can look at it in many ways, but for the purposes of this unit it is suggested you regard educational software as predominantly computer-based software that enhances and/or supports teaching and learning.

Software is a programme that allows you to perform various tasks on the computer. Educational software is just one of the teaching and learning resources that you could use. Your choice of educational software should be determined by your specific needs. You look for a resource that can fulfill a specific function in your context – and that context is determined by the curriculum outcomes. Software would be appropriate if it helped your learners to achieve the learning outcomes and assessment standards through one or more of the following:

Teachers operate various open-ended software packages appropriate to their subject matter area, such as visualisation, data analysis, role-play simulations and online references (KD.4.a).
60 minutes
Total 5 hours
Technology Literacy