ICT in Education for Teachers: In-Service International

This course has been developed to support the training of teachers to integrate ICT into their teaching practices. The materials, guides and activities are strongly aligned with the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (CFT).
The ICT in Education for Teachers: In-Service International is for teachers who are already working and have a few years’ career experience. The course differs not in the content or coverage but in the activities that have been set. There are numerous opportunities for in-service teachers to reflect on their current teaching practice and usage of ICTs. The course materials include generic international versions of education & ICT policy documents and curriculum statements.
0. Course Introduction
› Getting Started1. Technology Literacy
› Module 1: Understanding ICT in Education› Module 2: Curriculum and Assessment
› Module 3: Pedagogy
› Module 4: Organization and Administration
› Module 5: Teacher Professional Learning
› Technology Literacy: Assessment
2. Knowledge Deepening
› Module 1: Understanding ICT in Education› Module 2: Curriculum and Assessment
› Module 3: Pedagogy
› Module 4: Organization and Administration
› Module 5: Teacher Professional Learning
› Knowledge Deepening: Assessment