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Student teachers should be able to implement collaborative, project-based unit plans and classroom activities, while providing guidance to students towards the successful
completion of their projects and attainment of deep understanding of key concepts. (KD.3.f)

Students in a practical sesion investigate potential challenges during implementation of PBL as well as consider how assessment can be incorporated. Finally students have an opportunity for putting everything together so that they can submit an assignment for marks.

Duration: Total of 8 notional hours – 3 hour computer practical session and 5 hour assignment on a computer.

Notes to Facilitator: Set up the venue so that the Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration tutorials can be accessed from the computers. The purpose of this practical is to provide participants with clear directions so that they can continue to design a PBL project. We will be accessing one of the Commonwealth Educator’s Network elective modules entitled ‘Learning with Projects’, this time looking at the sections on Collaboration and Cooperation.

For clarity purposes, the activity has been separated out from the web tutorial and is recreated here. Provide guidance and assistance so that participants can access and do the tutorial contained in the unit.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, Unit 4: Facilitating Project-Based Learning, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.