Unit 1: Integrating ICT to Support Didactic Teaching Methodologies

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Pre-service teachers should be able to describe how didactic teaching and ICT can be used to support students’ acquisition of school subject matter knowledge. (TL.3.a)

Duration: Total of 5 notional hours – 1.5 hour lecture, 2 hour computer practical session, 1 hour group tutorial, 30 minutes’ self-study at a computer.

Notes to Facilitator: The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overview and position Didactic teaching methods in contrast to other methodologies. Didactic teaching, however, needs to be the focus as Constructivist and other methods will be covered in detail later in Knowledge Deepening. Learners need to be aware that they will in all likelihood use multiple methods in their teaching and ICT can be employed to support each method.

Preparatory Readings:
Anderson, T. (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. p14-44. (CC: BY NC)
Wikibooks. (2006). Learning Theories. p4-15 (GNU Free Documentation License)
Open University. (2011). The Constructivist Model of Learning. Unit 3.2. (CC: BY NC SA)

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, Unit 1: Integrating ICT to Support Didactic Teaching Methodologies, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.