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Pre-service teachers should be able to use presentation software and digital resources to support instruction. (TL.3.c)

Computer practical and some self study focuses on skills required to create charts, graphs and multimedia in PowerPoint within the context of didactic teaching styles.

Duration: Total of 3 notional hours – 2 hour computer practical session and 1 hour self-study at a computer.

Notes to Facilitator: Set up the venue specifically so that the participants can access the MS Office 2010 suite and PowerPoint. Also ensure there is Internet connectivity so that the online tutorials at can be accessed. If you cannot guarantee connectivity during the practical session, download the ‘Printable Version’ of the tutorials that can be accessed from the website and hand these out as hard copies. They will also need connectivity to do Google image searches:

The intention of the practical is threefold: firstly, to allow the participants additional time to consolidate their PowerPoint skills from unit 2 and secondly, to provide them opportunities to learn how to insert graphic elements into their presentations. In this practical, we will investigate inserting images, videos and audio clips. Thirdly, they will need to transfer their new skills by building a curriculum resource using PowerPoint. It is very possible that some participants will be familiar with PowerPoint and potentially bored by the introductory activities described here. Engage them by asking them to try the intermediate tutorials on allied subjects. These more challenging topics are identified as the ‘b’ tasks.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, Unit 4: Graphic Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.